This church was a gift from Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of
Christian Science, to the Concord community. Because of the generous gifts of
Mrs. Eddy herself and many Christian Scientists throughout the United States,
when it was dedicated in 1904 it was debt free.

Sunday Services 10:30
The Sunday service is based on weekly Bible Lessons from the Christian Science Quarterly. These include readings from The Bible and from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, who ordained these two books as pastor.
Wednesday Testimony Meetings 7:00
The Wednesday evening meetings begin with a hymn and readings from The Bible and Science and Health on an inspiring and often timely issue or need in the community or world. Following the readings, the congregation is invited to share experiences of spiritual healing or insight gained from prayer and the study of Christian Science.
The Sunday service is based on weekly Bible Lessons from the Christian Science Quarterly. These include readings from The Bible and from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, who ordained these two books as pastor.
Wednesday Testimony Meetings 7:00
The Wednesday evening meetings begin with a hymn and readings from The Bible and Science and Health on an inspiring and often timely issue or need in the community or world. Following the readings, the congregation is invited to share experiences of spiritual healing or insight gained from prayer and the study of Christian Science.