Since opening its doors in 1904, Concord Church members have been faithful stewards of the church “gifted by Mary Baker Eddy” to Christian Scientists and the community. At the time, Mrs. Eddy’s generous contribution consisted of about half her wealth. Funding for the church was also received from Christian Scientists worldwide.
Mrs. Eddy penned the following when the Concord Church was dedicated:
"This church born in my nativity, may it build upon the rock of ages against which the waves and winds beat in vain. May the towering top of its goodly temple . . . long call the worshipper to seek the haven of hope, the heaven of Soul . . ." (My. 162:29)
For well over a century, numerous building projects were funded and completed. As the church entered its second century, however, it became evident that major restoration was needed. Preservation began prayerfully with the development of a metaphysical case statement establishing the spiritual basis for the work (“foundation stones”), guidance for action (“stepping stones”), and member commitment (“living stones”), which continues to undergird the preservation activity.
The construction work began with commissioning renowned historical architect Max Ferro in 2010 to evaluate structural needs, create a restoration plan, and select engineers with historical preservation experience. Next, the structural, mechanical, and electrical engineers prepared reports which identified urgent, short-term, and long-term restoration and maintenance projects.
Update on Rose Window Re-Leading
When the time came to let the need be known that the church Mrs. Eddy’s gifted needed restoration, donations were received from Christian Scientists and churches worldwide. It is with much gratitude that we report that the following preservation projects have been completed.
Projects Completed 2010 - 2023
Convert steam heat system to forced hot water system
Therrien Roofing
Remove asbestos including survey, temporary radiator disconnect, abatement
Refurbish church front doors and porte-cochere doors
Insulate clerestory roofs, add insulation in attic and around organ loft
Investigate feasibility of installing a geothermal heating system
Refurbish two transept windows and rose window
Furnish and install insulatd laminated protective windows for transept windows and rose window
Repair Mary Baker Eddy room and Board exterior doors
Prepare Mechanical Systems Report
Design for heat conversion from steam to forced hot water
All lower auditorium and vestibule windows refurbished
Board room and three office windows refurbished
All clearstory auditorium windows refurbished
New laminated protective glass installed on clearstory windows
Tower wooden floor decking replaced and build new stairs
Windows in Mary Baker Eddy room re-leaded and refurbished
Laminated protective glass installed on all lower windows
New pvc window boxes installed
Lightning strike protection system installed
Tower exterior and interior re-pointed
Lower tower roof replaced
Cap stones removed and parapet walls wrapped with flashing
Cap stones reset
Tower masonry joints and turrets sealed with lead t-caps
Tower windows removed, refurbished, and re-installed
Tower chime-room heating system installed
Coatroom and bathroom flooring replaced
Porte-cochere utility area refurbished
Patio reconstructed and access ramp installed
Patio and street-side landscaping
All new electrical wiring throughout
Fire alarm system installed
Auditorium light fixtures refurbished
New platform and organ lighting installed
Auditorium ceiling and front walls repaired, plastered, and painted
Wall quotations re-lettered
Rooms for readers, soloist, & organist refurbished
Ceiling insulation added
New auditorium and vestibule flooring installed
Steam supply pipes replaced
Interior plumbing replaced
Porte-cochere roof replaced
Windows under clerestory roof painted
Large north and west windows painted
Chimney for new gas furnace boiler lined
Basement boiler room construction completed
Twin gas boiler system installed
North gable wall masonry repointed
Roofing and flashing over Mary Baker Eddy Room repaired
Damaged plaster on east wall repaired
Back half of auditorium painted
Exterior high windows painted
Large south transept window painted
North, west, and south walls spot-repointed
North, west, and south wall cap-stones sealed with lead t-caps